Are you a dev? Ever heard of Binary Search Tree (BST)?

Oh, you don't know the BST? Don't worry, here is what wiki said:

"a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree data structure with the key of each internal node being greater than all the keys in the respective node's left subtree and less than the ones in its right subtree. BLAH BLAH BLAH".

Well in short:

- All Left descendants < Parent

- All Right descendants > Parent

- All sub-trees must follow 2 rules above as well. (sub-tree is the tree which is a child of a node).

Either you know it or not, it's your time to shine your knowledge and become its guardian. 

Build more connections, guard it from unwanted node, and build as many tree as you can!


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Pretty neat idea for a game.


This is so fun! What a great teaching tool! This should be used in a Montessori school to gamify teaching kids programming concepts!


This is a fun concept, blending strategic thinking and real-time action, and very well built for the time given. 

If you wanted to build it out you might consider some smoothing in the players favour to avoid long period of just having to shoot everything while you wait for the right number to come along, the simplest solution being to weight the number generation and use that to make ones that fit the node a bit more common than ones that don't. From there you can hone in on the difficulty/tedium sweet spot by altering the weighting as the range of acceptable numbers narrows.


As someone who knows BST, this is a really creative game! It was a lot of fun! If I have any problems, when you choose the wrong numbers and you need to find a small set of numbers between them, it can take forever waiting for the right one. Of course, me choosing those wrong numbers isn't the games fault, more so me.